Patient Information
Patient Information


Initial Consultation
Patient Billing
Before Endodontic Treatment
Home Care Instructions

If you would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us at
(818) 344-3559.

We will respond promptly and look forward to being of service to you.

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Visit our FAQs

Thank you for your interest in our endodontic practice, committed exclusively to endodontic care in the San Fernando Valley.

Our expert team, led by our respected endodontic specialist, Dr. Kurosh Keikhanzadeh (Dr. K), includes an experienced endodontic staff that is committed to providing the highest standard of professional care in a friendly, comfortable environment. We hope that the information provided here answers many of your questions about endodontic treatment.

Click on the titles to read the answers.

Initial Consultation


Patient Billing

Before Endodontic Treatment

Home Care Instructions


Initial Consultation

Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation explaining your diagnosis and treatment options. Occasionally, procedures can be done the same day as the consultation. However, some treatments will require an evaluation and a second appointment to provide treatment on another day. Be assured that we will stay in touch with your referring dentist at all times.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:

• Your referral slip and any X-rays if applicable
• A list of medications you are presently taking
• Your insurance card or any insurance information.

IMPORTANT: All patients under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. If you are pregnant, please inform us about your pregnancy before entering the treatment area. Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that requires you to be premedicated with antibiotics prior to dental treatment.

If you are receiving a surgical procedure, please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to surgery (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, etc.) or if you are on any medication (i.e. heart medications, aspirin, anticoagulant therapy, etc.) or are pregnant.


We will take our own digital x-rays here in our office. However, if you have an x-ray from you general dentist, please bring it with you. Our digital x-rays are at no cost to you and are up to 90% less radiation than the average dental x-ray.

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Our office is open Monday - Friday from 9 am until 5 pm. We will schedule your appointment as promptly as possible. If you are in pain or have an emergency, we will make every attempt to see you immediately on the same day. Typically we get every emergency patient into our office within one hour.
We strive to stay on schedule and our goal is always to minimize your wait. However, due to the fact that our practice provides surgical services, various circumstances may lengthen the time allocated for a procedure. Emergency cases can also arise and cause delays. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

Please call us at 818-344-3559 should you have any questions or you wish to schedule an appointment. 

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Patient Billing

For your convenience we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We also offer interest-free financing for up to 6 months through CareCredit.
Payment is expected at the time of your appointment. Due to the fact that certain types of treatment can be performed in a single visit setting, our office policy dictates that full payment is expected at the time of treatment.

Please contact our office if you have dental insurance prior to your appointment so that we may have your insurance paperwork prepared before hand. We will need to know which insurance plan you have to give you as accurate of a quote as we possibly can. Please note that Insurance quotes are only an estimate and while we make every attempt to give you as accurate as a quote as we can you are responsible for the quote provided to you.

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Before Endodontic Treatment

This procedure will be performed using local anesthesia. There are usually no restrictions after the procedure concerning driving or returning to work. We want you to know that Dr. Kurosh is always available for consultation at all times should you need to speak to him after your treatment. All calls afterhours are returned personally by Dr. Kurosh usually within an hour.

You should continue taking all your medications as previously prescribed by your physician. These include medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems and any other conditions as recommended by your physician. If you are uncertain about any interactions, please call our office prior to your appointment.

Please eat a full meal as applicable prior to your appointment.

If you have been advised by your physician or dentist to use antibiotic premedication because of mitral valve prolapse (MVP), heart murmur, hip, knee, cardiac or other prosthesis, or if you have rheumatic heart disease, please make sure you are on the appropriate antibiotic on the day of your appointment. If you have any questions or require us to prescribe you a premedication, please call our office prior to your appointment.

If you can take ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen sodium (Aleve), it does help reduce inflammation when taken pre-operatively. We recommend 2 tablets of either medication 2-4 hours before root canal therapy. However if you are coming to see us for the first time, please do not take any pain medication prior to your consultation as the pain medication will artificially interfere with our ability to diagnose your symptoms


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Home Care Instructions

What to Expect After Root Canal Therapy

What was done:

Root canal therapy involves the removal of the nerves inside of the root. Your root is NOT removed. The roots of your teeth are what keep your teeth anchored inside your mouth. The “canal” inside of these roots has been cleaned, disinfected and sealed with a material called Gutta Percha. A temporary filling has been placed in the biting surface of your tooth. As noted on the consent form, you will need to see your general dentist within 1 month to get a permanent restoration (filling, crown) placed. A permanent restoration will strengthen your tooth, protecting against fracture and decay. A delay of more than six weeks in getting this restoration will place your tooth and the root canal work in jeopardy, as the temporary filling will start to break down microscopically.

What you can expect after treatment

  • It is very likely that your tooth will ache and remain sore for 2-4 days following the treatment. It should be a dull bruising ache sensation that can be relieved with Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or Tylenol (for those who are unable to take anti-inflammatories). This pain should not last more than a week, and will eventually subside altogether.
  • Your tooth will be sensitive to biting pressure and normal chewing and can possibly feel loose at first. Keep in mind that although the nerves are removed from the inside of your tooth, the tooth sits in a socket that are surrounded by nerve endings, which register discomfort on a tooth that has been recently worked on. Again, this sensitivity should subside within a week.
  • It is normal to feel a depression or rough concavity where the temporary filling has been placed. It will wear away to a degree before the permanent restoration is placed. Avoiding chewing on the side where you were treated for the first few days.
  • It is possible for a small bubble or pimple to appear on the gum tissue. This generally is acting similar to a pressure release valve for your tooth and should subside within a few days. It is not uncommon to develop a mild localized swelling adjacent to your tooth as well. Again, this will subside within a week.

Please call immediately if

  • The pimple or bubble does not subside or it is accompanied by severe swelling of the gum tissue or cheek.
  • While it is not uncommon to develop a swelling, please call Dr. Kurosh should this happen. The reason is to ensure that you are given the correct antibiotic treatment. Also please remember that if you are given antibiotics you have to finish the complete regimen (even if your pain has subsided)
  • Your tooth fractures.
  • The temporary filling feels loose, too high, or becomes dislodged.

 What to do for the pain

You can take up to 800 mg of Ibuprofen (yes that’s 4 advils at one time) or 1000 mg of Tylenol every 8 hours. You can also use a salt water rinse to help if a pimple presents on the gum. If it’s helping, you can’t use too much salt water! Remember to try to chew on the opposite side of the tooth worked on until you have it restored. Also avoid sticky or tacky foods so you don’t dislodge the temporary filling.

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SFV Endodontics. - Copyright © 2009

16661 Ventura Blvd, Suite #605, Encino CA 91436. Ph: 818-344-3559